Thursday, December 02, 2004

San Blas Social Club

The city of San Blas. What more can you say about this place? It took us five days to leave. Unbelievable beaches, laid-back surfer paradise, outstanding taco stands; and the kind of characters you only read about in travel books. I don´t know who or where to start when trying grasp the personality of this town. Is it Don, the 60-yr old surfer dude from San Francisco who doesn´t lead such a bad life.

"Hey Don! How are the waves today?"
Don: "Hahahahah!! And I like it! It´s not a bad life!¨"

Or is it Uncle Lee, the retired lawyer bumping down the coast looking for a place to retire. His stories about Burning Man have assured me and Chad that we must be there next year.

Uncle Lee: "They call me Uncle Lee."
Us: "Who calls you Uncle Lee?"
Uncle Lee: "I don´t know. They do."

Or maybe it´s Augistine, the Mexican Humphrey Bogart from New York who opened up the San Blas Social Club and made the prices too high for any local to enjoy it. Smooth, cool and sophisticated. Sipping martinis and listening to Frank Sinatra on the Mexican coast, with the occasional tequila shot thrown in. The San Blas Social Club was home to even more crazy creatures. There was old man Screech, who felt a need to tell us the history and proper procedure of code for wiring systems. And how having a color blind guy cutting wires isn´t such a good idea. And there was Spike. A normal guy with a huge grin and spiked hair. A HUGE grin. I don´t think he could actually frown.

And let´s not forget Charlie.

Charlie: " Hi my name´s Charlie. I've quit drinking cause of this Mexican girl that I want to marry. Her parent´s said I have to quit if I´m to marry her."

Us: " We just saw you with a beer over there at the bar."

Charlie:" Oh...yeah....ummm, well...ya know... I´m also quitting smoking. "

A few minutes later he was out back with a cigarette. Anyway, Charlie was a character that words cannot justify. You cannot read or write about Charlie. You can only experience Charlie.

So we did. We experienced San Blas and felt like locals.

Morning sunrise swim followed by a walk down the beach with a coffee in hand. The bike ride into town to the SuperMercado to buy eggs, tortillas, onions, mushrooms, cheese and salsa. A gaint portion of huevos rancheros and another swim. A trip back into town for beers at the Social Club. Then back to the beach for a mid-day nap on the hammocks under the palapa. Watch the sun go down with the Aussies and Canucks traveling through and listening to their stories. Then into town again for some tacos and socializing at the Social Club. And seeing all these random characters doing the exact same thing as us- Absolutely nothing!

It´s not such a bad life.


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