Saturday, December 25, 2004

Feliz Navidad

Christmas day in Barre de Navidad, a town with a little history. 10 years ago an earthquake destroyed this place, tidal waves and everything. At the center was a church that completely crumbled to the ground, except for the Jesus statue whose arms fell from the cross and hung straight down beside his body. A little eerie when you actually see it. I guess National Geographic did a show on it a while back. Anyway, ya gotta love JC and the little games he plays.

So the last few days have been spent hopping from beach to beach down the coast, some deserted and others that I wish were deserted. Was going to take a dip in a lagoon one night close to the beach but decided against it. Good thing for me, cause the next morning a lady told me there were crocidilles in that lagoon. (This lady had been attacked by a couple kids with a machete a few weeks earlier, but that's another story) So after that, I've had my eye out for crocs. And they're not hard to miss...especially the 30-foot ones. No joke. Really been getting my share of wildlife in the further south I go. Bats and armadillos and dolphins jumping right off the coast. Will the beach ever get boring? I don't know. The hardest part of this trip will be staying off the beach and continuing biking. The Mexican "manana, manana" attitude is an easy philosophy to adhere to. Whatever can be done today can always be done tomorrow. So I think I will leave this town tomorrow. And so it goes...manana, manana....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life for you is a dashing, bold adventure, so sing, and rejoice. Sing, and rejoice.

7:34 AM  

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