Monday, December 13, 2004

Puerto Vallarta and the Vampire Nights

After a couple days ride, Jeremy and Chad came into Puerto Vallarta expecting much of the same they experienced in Mazatlan. But they couldn't have been more wrong. They rode into the cobbled streets of PV and immediately noticed a strange vibe in the air. They planned on being here for only a night...but they're still here after 2 weeks. As all the fruitloops say- "Get out while you can. This place will suck you in like a vortex." And they're absolutely right. While frequenting the various watering holes; they somehow managed to meet the local characters in town and realized there was more here than the plastic, touristy surface most people only see when they visit PV. Somehow they managed to get work as bartenders at the prestigous La Barriga, and ended up in the middle of the PV underground lifestyle. They have become vampires, not having seen the sun or beach for days and living each night in a liquid black blur. Describing this city is impossible. It's San Francisco on cocaine, mixed with a few ultra-rich tourists and package tours; followed by a shot of gay pride and a glass of red wine to take the edge off. There is a small town atmosphere here where everybody knows who you are and what you did last night, but nobody asks any questions. You can get what you want, do what you want and be whatever you want. Personal freedom is available in every form. But trying to stay here till New Years is proving to be a challenge. As with everything, there is a dark side about PV that neither one of these fellas wants to get sucked into. Jeremy is missing the long, quiet and innocent moments on the bicycle and Chad is missing his dog Maddie. It looks like this is where Chad and Jeremy may part ways; with Chad returning back to his normal life in the States and Jeremy continuing to Panama on his own. But only if they can escape this PV vortex.


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