Sunday, January 16, 2005

10 Things That I Think

1. I think, contrary to what Chad might say, I am not afraid of spiders. Especially the 4 incher ones that somehow get inside your tent in the middle of the night and hang above your head. I just prefer them to be outside the tent.

1a. And I am not afraid of ants either. Especially the army of them that ate through the bottom of my tent one night and were swarming all over my head, before I realized that that sound was NOT the wind blowing against the weeds.

2. I think no matter how cheezy it is, I like giving and getting the "V" sign from all the people down here. Universal language of something.

3. I think I knew there would come a point during the trip where I would want to quit, and it happened for about a week around Acapulco. Hating everything and just wanting to go home. I also knew it would only last for about a week.

4. I think having coffee with a few other cyclists on a morning in Puerto Escondido is an unforgettable experience. You realize you´re not the only crazy bastard out there biking these roads. And you realize you too can bicycle through Africa. And you wonder, as you look at the fire in someone else´s eyes, who has been travelling over every continent for the past 6 years; and you wonder if you´re actually looking at who you are slowly becoming.

5. I think the Vikings cause me more pain than anything the Marines could ever have done. Or Mexico traffic for that matter.

6. I think cardboard cutouts of military personell at road checkpoints is hilarious. So does the military.

7. I think speedbumps in every city are annoying. The Rooster thinks this also.

8. I think swimming in a river during the middle of a hot day after riding a bike for 50 kilometers is heaven.

9. I think I am in heaven.

10. I think you should believe you´re in heaven too.

In Puerto Escondido. Next stop...Guatamala.


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